Christian Community Development

Embodying the whole of the Gospel through meeting the needs of the poor.

The Christian Community Development philosophy is founded on biblical, practical principles evolved from years of living and working among the poor. John Perkins, first developed this philosophy while working among the poor in Mississippi.  Practitioners of Christian Community Development have distilled the philosophy into 8 Key Components. The first three are based on John Perkins’ original “three R’s” of community development: relocation, reconciliation and redistribution. Other components were later added by Christians discovering ways to rebuild poor neighborhoods.  For more information on Christian Community Development visit the Christian Community Development Association website

The  Jubilee Impact Fund will embody the 8 Christian Community Development principles in all aspects of its investments, goals and operations.

Church-Based (Ephesians 4:11-16) – Grounded in the Local Church

The Jubilee Impact Fund will:

  • Invest in companies that are in partnership with and under spiritual authority of local church ministries committed to serving the poor.
  • Actively counteract harmful spiritual unaccountability in ministry while encouraging Kingdom fellowship and rootedness in Scripture.
  • Create parish-focused channels of capital distribution and community development.

Wholistic Approach (Matthew 22:35-40) – Meets the Needs of the Whole Person

The Jubilee Impact Fund will:

  • Invest in companies that are gospel ministries that focus equally on spiritual and material needs of the poor.
  • Actively counteract harmful simplistic segmentation in ministry while encouraging the integrated proclamation and demonstration of the Kingdom.
  • Create multifaceted network channels of capital distribution and community development.

Empowering (Leviticus 19:9-10) – Affirms Dignity Through Empowerment

The Jubilee Impact Fund will:

  • Invest in companies that emphasize employment and economic development to empower the poor.
  • Actively counteract harmful dependency in assisting the poor while encouraging Kingdom freedom and reliance on the Holy Spirit.
  • Create participatory channels of capital distribution and community development.

Relocation (John 1:14) – Leverages Assets Among the Poor

The Jubilee Impact Fund will:

  • Invest in companies that are incarnational ministries that support relocators, returners and remainers living and serving in community among the poor.
  • Actively counteract harmful exclusive gentrification while encouraging Kingdom sacrifice and interdependence.
  • Create local channels of capital distribution and community development.

Reconciliation (Ephesians 2:14-22) – Reconciles People to People reflecting People to God

The Jubilee Impact Fund will:

  • Invest in companies that embody peace ministries that equip Christ’s ambassadors of mercy among the poor.
  • Actively counteract harmful racial, ethnic and economic barriers between God’s people while encouraging Kingdom unity and diversity.
  • Create cross-cultural channels of capital distribution and community development.

Redistribution (2 Corinthians 8:9-15) – Distributes God’s Resources Justly

The Jubilee Impact Fund will:

  • Invest in companies that are stewardship ministries that use God’s resources to work for justice for the poor.
  • Actively counteract harmful economic inequality in the distributions of God’s resources while encouraging Kingdom repentance and restoration of creation.
  • Create channels of capital distribution to and community development for the benefit of under-resourced communities.

Leadership (Matthew 20:24-28) – Develops Local Servant Leadership

The Jubilee Impact Fund will:

  • Invest in companies that are discipleship ministries that develop indigenous leaders who stay in their local communities to serve the poor.
  • Actively counteract harmful cycle of leadership vacuum in under-resourced communities while encouraging Kingdom mentoring and long-term growth.
  • Create intergenerational channels of capital distribution and community development.

Listening (Philippians 2:1-4) – Listens to Community

The Jubilee Impact Fund will:

  • Invest in companies that are asset-based community development ministries that listen to and leverage the assets of the poor.
  • Actively counteract harmful paternalism in community development while encouraging Kingdom humility and partnership.
  • Create community-led channels of capital distribution and community development.