Jubilee Impact Fund, Inc.

Connecting community development enterprises with faith impact investors

Jubilee Impact Fund, Inc. is a non-profit ministry organization that directs faith impact investment to Christian community development by establishing impact investment fund and enterprise program models. Jubilee’s biblical vision is to rebuild, restore and renew cities of hope and human flourishing around the United States. By partnering with local investors, churches and faith-based organizations, Jubilee directs capital into business and real estate ventures in at-risk neighborhoods that employ women, youth, and minorities supported by Christ-centered ministries. Jubilee is raising Christian community development impact investment funds in metropolitan areas around the country.


Mission of Jubilee Impact Fund, Inc.

To connect community development enterprises with faith impact investors for the Kingdom.


Vision of Jubilee Impact Fund, Inc.

Restored, flourishing and resilient communities described in Isaiah 61.


Principles of Jubilee Impact Fund, Inc.

  + Rebuild economic systems with justice and compassion

  + Restore work for the dignity of the poor

  + Renew stewardship of God’s household